Dr Amanda Doyle OBE has this week been appointed by NHSEngland as the accountable officer for NHS Fylde and Wyre ClinicalCommissioning Group (CCG). This is in addition to her existing appointment asaccountable officer for NHS Blackpool CCG and means that she is now the jointaccountable officer for the Fylde Coast CCGs.
Dr Doyle, who has been a GP for more than 20 years, has been working as the Fylde and Wyre CCG interim accountable officer since September following the retirement of Dr Tony Naughton.
Dr Doyle said: “I am delighted to have been appointed. Inthe short time I have worked at the CCG I have been impressed by the dedicationand professionalism of staff, as well as the strength of the links it has withits partners, including clinicians, patients and the public. There is a highlevel of commitment across all sectors to making a difference to people’shealth and wellbeing. We have a great team; together we can reallyimprove health and healthcare across the Fylde Coast.”
[/column][column]NHS Fylde and Wyre CCG chair, Mary Dowling, added: “Amanda is a great asset with a huge amount of energy and experience. She is joining us at a time when we are seeking to join-up services as much as possible, and I am confident that through her leadership we will be able to further improve care and people’s experiences of that care.”
NHS Blackpool CCG chair, Roy Fisher, continued: “We congratulate Amanda on her appointment with Fylde and Wyre and have every confidence that her leadership of the two CCGs will make a real difference to health and wellbeing on the Fylde Coast.”
While the two Fylde Coast CCGs will remain as separate statutory bodies, under Dr Doyle’s leadership they are working more closely together, reducing duplication wherever possible. A joint accountable officer for the two CCGs is an essential first step on the journey to further integrate health and care across the area as part of Healthier Fylde Coast. Healthier Fylde Coast is a partnership of local organisations working togetherto improve health and wellbeing across the area.